Monday 17 March 2008

Lamia's Review First Week:

Bollywood Trailer: (Sabah's group)
  • The begining of the trailer is really welldone and the shots used with the fast scenes really make it a good trailer, and as suggested in the last session to make the dark scene come in at the end of those loaction scenes, to make more sense.
  • As i also saw that you had different shots of the dancing scenes and most of them are good, but the appropriate one needs to be chosen which really shows being real.
  • The other posistive aspect about the production is the sound used which really matches within the trailer as well as the style of the writting.
  • One thing to improve is the ordering of the scenes and to sort out what scene to comes before the other and make sure it follows.

Overall i think your group is doing very good and the trailer looks more professional, keep up the good work!!

Alka, Hannah, Sophia's group.

  • The first time that i saw the documentary wasn't at a good standard, but later on with the adding of the effects and cutting the scenes made it look better.
  • I like the way that at the begining you are really showing about what your prdouction is about, which really looks original, and the way that this is used everytime you introduce something which really tends to give the audiences a clear view about what are they going to excpect, and this what really makes it authentic as this is rarely used in documentaries.
  • I suggest if you can make the voxpops shorter at the begining just like a word shown and then after words between some clips or after the voice over include the other clip which will make it much more better and look like a real documentary as this is used in most of the documentaries.
  • Adding titles in between the clips and voxpops is another suggestion to make it look more as a professional Documentary as this is also another convention of documentaries.
  • including voice overs between the voxpops and when the clips are shown.

It's just a game documentary:

  • Looking really good and looks like a real documentary, and the way that the scenes are placed in order and that the group is really organised and knows what should go next.
  • What makes the documentary looks original and real is the way that different games are included within the documentary.
  • The only thing that in my opinion needs to be done is mixing the interviews from different people to make it look more authentic and we can see the different views from the people and also include real statistics about what is happening in real lives after something that is being said, for example how many people die or get affected because of the games etc... which would really make the documentary much more interesting.

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